With 2018 over and 2019 rolling in fast I thought I would give my thoughts on the some of best game and those that were disappointing that I played last year.
Let's start with the disappointments so we can end the article on a high note ok?
First up is Charterstone. I wrote a big old article about it earlier in 2018 and my thoughts on it still stand (though I know I am in the minority). It's an okayish worker placement game with legacy elements that ask players to make a lot of important decisions with no information, basically resulting in a haphazard series of random events.
At it's core I like the basic mechanics of Charterstone and wish that they had doubled down on that to make it an interesting worker placement game instead of a unsatisfying legacy game.
The other disappointment was Keyforge. I was really looking forwards to this game as I like the core mechanics of a lot of 2 player vs style card games but have little desire for deck building (though I do love Dominion and similar ilk, wha???).
Unfortunately after playing a fair amount (20ish games) of Keyforge, the game has some drawbacks that just make me not want to play it anymore. The first being that the random deck concept, while alluring, is quite bunk. Very few decks seems to work in a satisfying way, and balance issues are all over the place. The second thing is the cards themselves, both the theme of smashing together all these genres (remind me too much of Smash Up, ewww) and the actual abilities of the cards themselves feels like a bad Magic the Gathering fan set rather than a professional set of cards. They do nothing but make the game cumbersome to play with too many modifiers and having to fuss around with so much number wang every turn. This makes the games take about 50% longer than I feel they should for a game of this depth.
It's a bummer because I really like the core rules of the game, decks are made of three factions, each turn you can act with just 1 of them, gather aether or attack, cash in the aether for keys in order to win. Simple and easy to understand. Then they messed it up with poorly thought out overly complicated cards.
Also the rule book sucks and is incomplete.
Okay with that over with how about we pivot 180 degrees and talked about some awesome game?
The first one is a game I have been playing all year (and now into 2019) and that is Fabled Fruits. I wrote about it back in March and now with a lot more plays this filler slash legacy game continues to be good fun. Each game mixes up new cards with those from previous games, keeping it fresh but without making it complicated.
There is a lot of cleverness in the rather simple concept of Fabled Fruits and I look forwards to playing more of it.
A lot has been written and discussed about Gloomhaven in the years since the first edition came out. It is a huge semi-rpg, semi-dungeon crawler with random events, legacy and campaign elements, a long story and so many missions and content to spare. I could write about it for ages but won't. There is nothing much I can say that hasn't been said by others dozens of times. There is a lot I like about Gloomhaven and getting together with 3 other players every few weeks as out Guardians of Gloomhaven work though the volumes of content is very much enjoyable. That's not to say there are a few things that think could have been better and a couple of things that just "feel wrong" about the mechanics, but it's mostly small niggles that after the more than a dozen games we've played in 2018 I've gotten over. For such a big beasty of a game that could have fallen apart in so many places Gloomhaven keeps it all together in a huge well developed package that will continue to be great for years (probably) to come.
Swinging back to games in smaller boxes Azul really surprised me. This game is so simple, pick and place colored tiles to score points, but being that so much of the game hinges on what other players are doing, every time it's nail biting push your luck oppertunity based darings.
Also it's just so damn pretty, definetly one of the best looking games I played in 2018. It plays great regardless of player count and doesn't outstay it's welcome. Azul is a game that I think will stick around as a mainstay in the games I want to play.
Back to a game that I've written about before my forth choice is Merlin. I'm always down for some Stefan Felf and Merlin does not disappoint. There is lots to do with many choices every turn and paths to victory every game. I think it looks good and plays smooth.
The long setup time is about my only issue and I've got a load of games I enjoy that suffer from that (coff coff Gloomhaven). When I want to ride the points pizza train Feld is always there for me and Merlin is a great entry on that menu.
I've played the entire North Sea trilogy and Raiders of the North Sea is the one that really pops for me. I wrote about it back in the summer and my feelings on it still stand, the clever worker placement, the resource balance and over all race to raid aspect all are great.
Raiders looks good, plays good and feels good. I've given the newest entry, Architects of the Western Kingdom, a couple of plays and it's also quite good but I want to play more before I give a final verdict.
That wraps up my top five games of 2018, there are a few more that I enjoyed that didn't quite make it like Dinosaur Island, Altiplano and Rajas of the Ganges. Most of which I just want to get more plays in before passing a verdict.
The future of the blog here will be a once a month post just talking about what I played in the previous month so I hope that's enough for now :) Still working on a possible podcast idea, either solo or with guests. Have to wait and see. Thanks for reading and see you in a month!